
Excerpts about me from Alaska's blog...

"When I met Ana, she came flying down the stairs, yelled, "Alaska!" and gave me the biggest hug. She told me her dad was a jew and her mom was from Puerto Rico, and that's why she looked Persian.  She is beautiful, with long, raven, crazy, wavy hair."

"Ana drives like a maniac. I think it's part of her rebellious nature. On the way to Evanston she has to have one last cigarette before she sees her parents, so she decides to drive me by the Baha'i temple with the windows down and Mos Def blaring."

"When we get to her parents'  she takes me to their back yard where fifty or so Buddha statues sit amongst vines and flowers.  The inside of their house looks like a mix between a Buddhists temple and a pirate's ship."

So right on. So me. Hilarious.


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